Private LINDSAY THOMAS 55. 2nd. Australian Division H.Q.. 2nd September
1915. Panel_332
AICHER Corporal WILLIAM LUDWIG 7. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 21. Son of William and Ellen Amy Aicher of 9 Service St. Coburg
Victoria Australia. Of Melbourne. Panel_201_to_204
ALFORD Private THOMAS WILLIAM 238. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
ANSELL Private ALBERT HAROLD 58. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
ANSTIS Private JOHN 1108. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 35. Son of William Henry and Mary Anstis of Shepparton Victoria Australia.
AUSTIN Private JAMES KEITH 2092. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 9th
May 1915. Age 19. Son of James C. and Maria Austin of 21 Fawcett St. Mayfield
New South Wales. Of Inglewood Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
BAINBRIDGE Private JOSEPH STANLEY 166. 6th Bn. Royal Australian Artillery.
8th - 16th May 1915. Age 25. Son of Francis F. Bainbridge and Edith M. Bainbridge
of "Concord Grandview Grove, Armadale, Victoria, Australia. Of Tatura,
Victoria. Panel_332
BAKER Private FREDERICK 766. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
BALDWIN Private EDWARD MILLER 1012. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 21. Son of Jane D. and the late Fred Lister Baldwin. Native
of Yarraville Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
BANES Private GEORGE 1509. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 46. Son of George and Margaret Banes of Fairy St. Warrnambool Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
BANNISTER Private GEORGE 1101. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Served as SMITH. Panel_201_to_204
BARLOW Private FRANK CLIFFORD 2152. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 29. Son of Henry and Elizabeth Barlow of Turner's Marsh Tasmania.
Of Latrobe Tasmania. Panel_201_to_204
BARNETT Private VICTOR 810. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 25. Son of William C. and Elizabeth Barnett. Native of Braybrook Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
BATES Private JOHN 195. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Son of George and Isabella Bates of "Riverside Little River, Victoria,
Australia. Of Geelong, Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
BAYLES Private FREDERICK 203. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 30. Son of John and Louisa Bayles. Of Battersea London England.
BEHAN Private WILLIAM WALTER BERNARD 2105. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
BENTLEY Private THORBURN 2190. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 23. Son of Henrietta Thorburn Bentley of 8 Rathmine St. Fairfield
Park Victoria Australia and the late Archibald Bent-ley. Panel_201_to_204
BEST Private ALBERT 1660. 23rd Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd September
1915. Panel_201_to_204
BETTS Private HARRY 1265. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 20. Son of Mary Ann Congreave (formerly Betts) of 82 Pymin St. Nottingham
England and the late William Betts. Of Castle Bromwich Birmingham England.
BEVAN Private ERNEST VICTOR 744. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 23. Son of James Frederick Bevan and Hannah Bevan of 62 Kington
Rd. Teddington Middx. Of Stanwell Moor Middx. England. Panel_201_to_204
BIDDLE Private ARTHUR E. 1467. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 10th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
BIRD Private HENRY 794. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 10th May 1915.
BIRKILL Private EDWARD ARCHIBALD 537. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 21. Son of Edward James and Amelia Marie Birkill of 12
Geelong Rd. Footscray Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
BISHOP Private STANLEY HOWARD 644. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Age 22. Son of Charles and Jane Apelbe Bishop of III York
Rd. Montpelier Bristol England. Panel_201_to_204
BLANNIN-FERGUSON Private DARYL GARDNER 688. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
BOASE Lance Corporal WILLIAM VERNON 205. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 19. Son of William Allan and Agnes Barbara Boase of "Mena
Albion St., West Brunswick, Victoria, Austra-lia. Of Western Australia.
BOOKER Private HAROLD 970. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Age 23. Son of Charles Edward and Mary Ann Booker of Nepean Rd.
Cheltenham Victoria Australia. Of Brighton Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
BOTTOMLEY Private OSWALD GEORGE 902. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 29. Son of James R. and Louisa Bottomley of 192 High St.
St. Kilda Victoria Australia. Of Geelong Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
BOWDEN Private WILLIAM 172. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
BOWEN Private HENRY WILLIAM 339. 21st Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd
September 1915. Panel_201_to_204
BRADY Private CHARLES 1085. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 36. Son of Charles and Catherine T. Brady of Koford St. Ararat Victoria
Australia. Of Dunkeld Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
BREWER Private JOHN HAROLD 169. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
BRIANT Private ALFRED CHARLES 695. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 23. Son of Alfred Henry and Emma Jane Briant of 217 Mill St.
Ballarat Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
BROCK Sergeant JAMES EARL 753. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 32. Son of Al-exandra and Hannah Brock; husband of Florence Elsie
Brock of "Helles Court Ngarneno St., Moonee Ponds, Victoria, Australia.
Native of Sutton Grange, Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
BUCKINGHAM Private WILLIAM JOHN 1086. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
BUTLER Private HERBERT AUGUSTUS KINGSBURY 1314. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Age 44. Son of Edmund Charles and Augusta Mary Butler.
Native of Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
CADDELL Private JAMES 1528. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
CADMAN Corporal EDWIN ALBERT 1105. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Son of Edwin Albert and Clara Cadman of 21 Selwyn St. Canterbury
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
CAMPBELL Private ARTHUR 1523. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
CAMPBELL Private THOMAS 1658. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 9th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
CARMICHAEL Lieutenant THOMAS MCLEOD 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Son of Alexander and Annie Carmichael of "Inverara Esmond,
Victoria, Australia. Native of Bundalong, Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
CARNE Private JOHN 1521. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
CARROLL Private JOHN CHARLES 1323. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
CARTWRIGHT Driver BERNARD RAY 538. 1st Bde. Australian Field Artillery.
2nd September 1915. Panel_332
CARWARDINE Private FREDRICK WILLIAM 776. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Son of Frederick and Annie Canvardine of 42 Miller St. West
Melbourne Victoria Australia. Native of South Yarra Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
CHURCHILL Corporal WILLIAM ERNEST 1526. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
CLARK Private ALBERT 2209. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 25. Son of John ames and Mary Ann Clark. Native of Melbourne Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
COLLINS Private HENRY EDWARD 767. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 23. Son of Annie Gerdtry and the late William Henry Collins;
husband of Emma T. Collins of 21 Clyde St. Surrey Hills Victoria Australia.
Native of Murtoa. Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
COLLINSON Sergeant RICHARD ALBERT 275. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 43. Son of Mr. M. A. and Mrs. Edith Collinson husband
of Catherine Collinson of 31 Queen St. Melbourne Vic-toria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
COLLISTER Private GEORGE 1518. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 24. Son of the late George and Catherine Collister. Native of
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
COPELAND Private WILLIAM 354. 21st Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd September
1915. Panel_201_to_204
COTTER Private JOSEPH 422. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
COUVE Second Lieutenant HENRY THOMAS LUDSON 8th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
COWELL Private JOHN WILLIAM 540. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
COX Private SYDNEY DOUGLAS 2130. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 25. Son of Harry and Elizabeth Cox of 20 Manners Rd. Ilkestone
Derbyshire England. Of Stratford-on-Avon Warwick-shire England. Panel_201_to_204
COX Private WILLIAM 535. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
CRAMER Private ALBERT 1582. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 15. Served as CRAMER.Son of Elizabeth Cramer of 66 Nicholson St. Fitzroy
Victoria Australia and the late Charles Cramer. Panel_201_to_204
CURRIE Lance Corporal JAMES 1526. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
DANGERFIELD Lieutenant JOSEPH GARNET 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 27. Son of Edward and Janet Dangerfield of 29 Canning
St. North Melbourne Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
DAVIS Private HORACE ALFRED 1535. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 7th
May 1915. Age 26. Son of William Henry and Marie L. Davis of 22 Sheldon
Rd. Edmonton London England. Of Holloway London. Panel_201_to_204
DAVIS Second Lieutenant WILLIAM EDWIN 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
DE WILLIMOFF Private NORMAN JULIUS 1630. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 27. Served as McLEOD. Son of the late Emile Julius and
Margaret Ellen De Willimoff. Of Sydney New South Wales. Panel_201_to_204
DOCKERY Private LESTER FREDERICK 1704. 23rd Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
2nd September 1915. Age 23. Son of the late Frederick Thomas Dockery and
Matilda Dockery. Of Wingham Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
DONALD Private HENRY ALEXANDER 1656. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 30. Son of William and Ellen Donald. Native of Darlingford
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
DONALD Lance Corporal VIVIAN DE BURGH 736. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th - 12th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
DOUGHTY Private ALBERT PERCY 1648. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 24. Son of Henry R. and Annie Doughty of 135 Gladstone St.
South Melbourne Victoria Australia. Of Ballarat Vic-toria. Panel_201_to_204
DOVETON Private ROBERT TREVELYAN 300. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 22. Only son of William G. and Helena May Doveton of 24
Winter St. Malvern Victoria Australia. Of Mel-bourne Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
DRAPER Private HERBERT JAMES 779. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
DUNN Private DAVID HENRY 100. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 16th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
DURIE Private EDWARD 2217. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 23. Son of George and Jessie Auchterlonie Durie of 32 Newtown Cupar
Fife Scotland. Panel_201_to_204
EADIE Corporal ALLAN KEITH 1129. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 21. Son of Emma Louise Eadie of 405 Punt Rd. Richmond Victoria
Australia and the late John Eadie. Panel_201_to_204
EDGAR Private FREDERICK 551. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 19. Son of James Wilkin Scott Edgar and Rose Edgar of 139 Station
St. Carlton Victoria Australia. Of Fitzroy Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
EDMUNDS Sapper ERNEST ARTHUR 144. 1st Div. Signal Coy. Australian Engineers.
8th May 1915. Age 21. Son of Ernest F. and Hermine Edmunds. Of Adelaide
South Australia. Panel_201
ELKINGTON Corporal ARTHUR FRANCIS GORDON 428. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Age 20. Son of Victor and Lavinia Elkington of 14 James
St. Richmond Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
ENGELMANN Corporal WALTER HECTOR 11. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 22. Son of Richard Frederick and Allason Low Engelmann
of St. Arnaud Victoria Australia. Of Melbourne Vic-toria. Panel_201_to_204
ENNIS Private JOHN ARCHIBALD 233. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 16th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
EVANS Private ALLAN SAMUEL JOSEPH 193. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
FAIRLIE Sergeant ERNEST ROBERT 993. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Age 29. Son of Walter and Catherine Fairlie. Native of
Lexton Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
FALK Private GEORGE EDWARD 1623. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
FERRES Private SYDNEY EVERSLEY 194. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Son of Robert and Caroline Elizabeth Ferres of 50 Princess St.
Kew Victoria Australia. Of Ararat Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
FOSTER Private LIONEL 2050. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 33. Son of Robert James and Marie Jeanette Foster. Of Sudbury Suffolk
England. Panel_201_to_204
FRITH Private ALBERT HECTOR 333. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
GALAGHER Lieutenant FREDERICK ALFRED 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Son of Samuel Frederick and Thirza Galagher; husband of Winifred
M. Galagher of "Nova Scotia Normanby Ave-nue, Thornbury, Victoria,
Australia. Native of Collingwood, Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
GEE Private DAVID 1090. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 21. Son of Susan Hannah Apsey (formerly Gee) of William St. Eaglehawk
Victoria Australia and the late William James Gee. Panel_201_to_204
GEE Private HAROLD 868. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 22. Son of Patrick and Elizabeth Gee. Native of Eaglehawk Victoria Australia.
GIBAUD Private HENRY JAMES 199. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 9th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
GODFREY Private FREDERICK WILLIAM 2088. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
GORMAN Private PATRICK 159. 21st Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd September
1915. Panel_201_to_204
GRANT Private ERNEST 2233. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Son of Mrs. Janet and the late Mr. J. W. Grant. Native of Pranjip Longwood
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
GRAVES Private FREDERICK 1078. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 27. Son of John and Emma Graves of Manor Cottages Bulphan Romford
Essex England. Panel_201_to_204
GRAY Private ALBERT 1544. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
GRAY Private FRANK 1028. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
GREEN Private HERBERT ARTHUR 589. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 24. Served as PRINCE. Son of the late Arthur and Laura Florence
Green. Of Northampton England. Panel_201_to_204
GREEN Private WILLIAM LIONEL 2107. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
GREIG Company Sergeant Major GEORGE FERGUS 407. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Age 23. Son of George and Mary A. Greig of Moonya Rd.
Murrumbeena Victoria Australia. Native of Mel-bourne Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
GUNNELSON Private PERCY OSCAR 893. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. Killed
in action 8th May 1915. Age 21. Son of Ingebret and Mary Gunnelson of Garfield
Victoria Australia. His brother Ingebert Tho-mas also fell. Addenda_Panel
GWYNNE Private S W N 106. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 19. Son of Maj. James Hugh Gwynne (late Royal Welch Fusiliers) and S.
Isabel Gwynne of The Ferns Hythe Kent England. Native of Manchester England.
HAMMOND Private ALFRED HENRY 922. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
HARRIS Private DAVID 166. 21st Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd September
1915. Panel_201_to_204
HARRISON Private ARTHUR FREDERICK 1137. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Hus-band of Mrs. A. E. Harrison of "Euphrosyne Point
Nepean Rd., Aspendale, Victoria, Australia. Of Adelaide, South Australia.
HART Corporal HORACE ARTHUR 71. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
HASSELBACH Lance Corporal EDWARD PETER 192. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 6th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
HEAGNEY Private HERBERT 1557. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 27. Son of Pat-rick and Annie Agnes Heagney; husband of Annie
Agnes Heagney of 42 Burns St. St. Kilda Victoria Austra-lia. Native of Queensland.
HENLEY Company Sergeant Major ALBERT EDWARD 221. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 11th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
HEYWOOD Private ALBERT PAUL 17692. 22nd Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd
September 1915. Panel_201_to_204
HOLLAND Private VERNON 788. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 24. Son of Wil-liam Henry Vernon Holland and Amy Louisa Holland of Piavella
Victoria Australia. Native of Bendigo Vic-toria. Panel_201_to_204
HOOPER Private FRANCIS HERBERT 1374. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 36. Son of Capt. Clement William and Agnes Maria Benson
Hooper (nee Wills). Native of Liverpool England. Panel_201_to_204
HOWARD Private ALFRED 230. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
HOWARD Corporal HERBERT RICHARD 1559. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 32. Son of Richard and Mary Howard; husband of Henrietta
Howard of II North Hall Row Burley Rd. Leeds Yorks. England. Native of Harleston
Norfolk England. Panel_201_to_204
HUGHES Private ARTHUR WESLEY 936. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
HUGHES Private JOHN 2242. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 24. Son of Anna Bella Hughes of 73 Bayview St. East Prahran Victoria
Australia and the late Edward Hughes. Of Allendale Victo-ria. Panel_201_to_204
HUNTER Captain HERBERT HUMPHREYS 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Age 33. Son of George Frederick and Elizabeth Hunter. Of
Bendigo Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
HURNE Private ALBERT EDWARD 1569. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 10th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
HURST Private HERBERT EDWARD 863. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 21. Son of Frederick and Matilda Hurst of The Lodge Rothersthorpe
Northampton England. Panel_201_to_204
HUTCHINSON Private LORENZO KEN 674. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 22. Son of Charles and Agnes Hutchinson. Of Nurrabiel Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
ILETT Private ERNEST CAMPBELL 454. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 19. Son of Frederick and Janet Ilett of "Volinda Warrion,
Victoria, Australia. Panel_201_to_204
JACKSON Private JAMES WILLIAM LEWIS 894. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
JACOBS Private LESLIE GORDON 1560. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 13th May 1915. Age 26. Son of Edward Jacobs and E. S. Anderson his wife
of 35 Young St. Kent Town South Australia. Native of Stepney South Australia.
JAMISON Private HUGH 1457. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
JANSSEN Private ERNEK VALDEMAR 359. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Age 24. Son of Inuk P. J. and Margaret Janssen of "Nessway
Barry St., Mentone, Victoria, Australia. Of Ballarat, Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
JOHNSON Private ALBERT RICHARD 572. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 20. Son of the late William and Jane Hyslope Johnson. Of Ararat
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
JOHNSON Private JAMES CLARENCE 385. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 28. Son of William and Margaret Johnson of Rushworth Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
JOHNSTON Private DONALD WILLIAM 234. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 20. Son of Andrew and Sarah Jane Johnston of Sassafras
Victoria Australia.Of Coburg Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
JONES Corporal GEORGE 757. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
KEARNEY Private JOHN NICHOLAS 621. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 9th
May 1915. Age 20. Son of James Joseph and Ellen Kearney. Native of Footscray
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
KENNEDY Private EDWARD KITTRICK 1090. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 21. Son of James Kittrick Kennedy and Emily Jean Kennedy
of "Algarna Selborne Rd., Kew, Victoria. Australia. Of St. Kilda, Victoria.
KENNEDY Private ERNEST THOMAS JOHN 797. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 26. Son of Thomas Alexander Kennedy and Minnie Kennedy
(nee Laffsmann) of McLaren St. Bendigo Victo-ria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
KERRIGAN Private JAMES 1563. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Age 22. Son of James and Ellen Kerrigan. Native of Brunswick Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
KIELLERUP Private FREDERICK CHARLES 1047. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 33. Son of Theodore and Bertha Kiellerup; husband of Mrs.
A. Cross (formerly Kiellerup). Native of Nar-randera. New South Wales. Panel_201_to_204
KIRK Private JOHN FREDERICK 813. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
KITSON Lance Corporal ARTHUR FREDERICK 116. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
KLUGLEIN Corporal CARL HERMAN 638. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. Killed
in action 8th May 1915. Age 23. Son of Carl Herman Kluglein and Grace Sinclair
Winneke (formerly Kluglein) of 450 Madeline St. Carlton Victoria Australia.
Native of Invercargill New Zealand. Addenda_Panel
LAMBERT Private HENRY ALFRED 1253. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Age 25. Son of William Henry and Elizabeth Lambert. Of
Creswick Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
LEE Private ALEC LIONEL 805. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Son of Alexander and Belinda Lee of 19. Kelvin Grove Auburn Victoria
Australia. Of Kew Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
LINDSAY Private ALLAN 1148. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Son of Allan and Annie Lindsay. Of Taminick Glenrowan Victoria Australia.
LINDSAY Private CHARLES HENRY 2052. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Son of Fran-cis and Clara M. Lindsay. Of Ballarat Victoria Australia.
LITTLE Private ALFRED ERNEST 167. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 13th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
LITTLECHILD Private LEONARD WILLIAM 378. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
LOADER Private ROLAND CLEMENT 1643. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Age 19. Son of Rowland Clement and Sarah Jones Loader of
Terang Victoria Australia. Of Panmure Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
LONDON Private ALEXANDER 1569. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 22. Son of George Belcher London and Ellen Shaw London. Of Warrnambool.
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
LONG Private ROBERT ARTHUR 1050. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Son of George Fredrick and Rosetta Lavinia Long. Native of Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
LOVELOCK Private GEORGE 2260. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
LUCAS Private CHARLES EDWARD 1161. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Son of Fanny Louisa Lucas of 79 Peel St. North Ballarat East Victoria
Australia and the late Edward James Lucas. Panel_201_to_204
LUSIC Private VICTOR MATTHEW 706. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
- 12th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
LYONS Private WILLIAM EDWARD 1033. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Son of Henry and Margaret Lyons. Of Whittlesea Victoria Australia.
MACDONALD Private OWEN 1074. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Age 27. Son of Colin and Isabel Macdonald of Kilburn Drive Paisley
Scotland. Panel_201_to_204
MACKENZIE Private HUGH MCKAY 468. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 26. Son of Donald and Elizabeth Mackenzie of 45 Dalnair St.
Yorkhill Glasgow Scotland. Panel_201_to_204
MACLAREN Sergeant WILLIAM JAMES 872. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 40. Son of William and Ann Frances Maclaren; husband of
Mary Maclaren of Monument Hill Castlemaine Victo-ria Australia. Native of
Fryerstown Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
MACPHERSON Corporal ALEX WALTER 848. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
MACPHIE Sergeant ANGUS 966. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
MARCHAM Private THOMAS 454. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 21. Son of Henry and Sarah Marcham (nee Southwick) of 34 Park Grove
Burnley Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
MARTIN Private ANTHONY 812. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
MARTIN Corporal ROY GLADSTONE 393. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 21. Son of Francis James and Hannah Martin. Native of Richmond
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
MASON Private FRANK ABRAM 332. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
MELVILLE Private CHARLES WILLIAM 39. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
MILLER Lance Corporal ERNEST CRESSWELL 458. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Age 23. Son of George Frederick and Elizabeth Adelaide
Miller of 116 Edgevale Rd. Kew Victoria Austra-lia. Panel_201_to_204
MITCHELL Private ARCHIBALD 898. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th -
13th May 1915. Age 20. Son of Catherine Mitchell of 50 Chapel St. Rutherglen
Scotland and the late James Mitchell. Panel_201_to_204
MITCHELL Sergeant HUBERT CLARENCE 882. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
MONKS Staff Sergeant WILLIAM GLADSTONE 1. 2nd. Australian Brigade H.Q..
8th May 1915. Age 27. Son of W. S. Monks and Julia Fahey his wife. Of Launceston
Tasmania. Panel_204
MOORE Private ERNEST 1342. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Age 27. Son of Francis and Maria Jane Moore of 201 Chloride St.
Broken Hill New South Wales. Panel_201_to_204
MORGAN Private WALTER 981. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
MORGAN Private WALTER JOHN 923. 23rd Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd
September 1915. Panel_201_to_204
MORRIS Private GEORGE HENRY 692. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 25. Son of the late Henry George and Harriet Morris. Panel_201_to_204
MOSS Private ARTHUR 1612. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 36. Husband of Nellie Moss of 3 Harris St. North Melbourne Victoria
Australia. Of Fitzroy Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
MOTTARELLI Private FERDINANDO 1379. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 34. Son of Pietro Mottarelli and Marchesi Maddalena (his wife)
of Albosaggia Sondrio Italy. Panel_201_to_204
MURPHY Private JAMES 67. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 18. Son of John and Catherine Murphy (nee Hennessy) of 109 Princes St.
Carlton Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
MURPHY Private WILLIAM CLIFTON 1648. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
MUSTARD Lance Corporal ALEXANDER 1162. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th - 12th May 1915. Age 29. Son of James and Jessie Fraser Mustard. Native
of Morayshire Scotland. Panel_201_to_204
McCARTHY Private WILFRED CYRIL 1573. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 21. Son of Edith Annie McCarthy of 122 Macklin St. Derby
England and the late David McCarthy. Panel_201_to_204
McCONVILLE Private VINCENT 2006. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
McDONALD Private JOHN 164. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
McGRILLEN Private F A 827. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
McLEOD Second Lieutenant WILLIAM HAROLD 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 30. Son of Charles Henry and the late Mary McLeod; husband
of Emily McLeod of 4 Stone St. North Brigh-ton Victoria Australia. Native
of Mortlake Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
McPHEE Private ALLAN DOUGLAS 130. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 23. Son of Donald and Elizabeth McPhee of 47 High St. Northcote
South Victoria Australia. Of Yan Yean Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
McWATT Private MALCOLM JAMES 1093. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 10th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
NEVISON Private DONALD 1084. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
NEWHAM Second Lieutenant JOHN DRUMMOND 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
12th May 1915. Age 26. Son of Charles and Jeannie Newham of North Rd. Ormond
Victoria Australia. Native of Melbourne Vic-toria. Panel_201_to_204
NICHOLS Private NORMAN LESLIE 1227. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 22. Son of James L. and Mary Nichols of 444 Spencer St. West
Melbourne Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
NOLAN Private GERALD 2334. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
NOTT Private LESLIE NORMAN 381. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 25. Son of James and Elizabeth Nott.Of Geelong Victoria Australia.
O'BYRNE Private THOMAS 254. 21st Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd September
1915. Panel_201_to_204
O'HALLORAN Private ARTHUR HECTOR 600. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
ONLEY Private WILLIAM HENRY 317. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 22. Son of George Albert and Mary Onley of Myrtleford Victoria
Australia. Of Donald Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
OSBORN Private STEPHEN 1165. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 22. Son of Edward Robert Henry and Isabella Osborn (nee Barber)
of Mysia Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
OWEN Private PERCY THOMAS 1209. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 22. Son of William Ernest and Florence Owen of 102 Barkly St.
Brunswick West Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
PAGE Private CHARLES 979. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
PALMER Private RUPERT ALEXANDER 1212. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 24. Son of Reynolds and Mary Sophia Palmer of Geelong
Victoria Australia. Of Melbourne Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
PARK Private WILLIAM WALLACE 1109. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 19. Son of William Wallace Park and Catherine Rennie Park
of Opie St. Evandale St. Peters South Australia. Panel_201_to_204
PARKER Sergeant HENRY WILLIAM 278. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 21. Son of Henry William and Clara Parker of 19 Henrietta
St. Hawthorn Victoria Australia. Native of Brunswick Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
PATERSON Private DAVID 1309. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
PAULIG Sergeant ALBERT JAMES 64. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
PELL Private FREDERICK EDGAR 6387. Australian Army Service Corps. 2nd September
1915. Panel_332
PERKINS Private ROBERT RAYMOND 255. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 23. Son of Robert and Nellie Perkins of 467 Liverpool St.
Darlinghurst New South Wales. Of Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
PIGGOTT Private JOHN 318. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
PLIMMER Private HAROLD 846. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
POLLOCK Private JAMES STERLING 2037. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
POOLE Company Sergeant Major LESLIE JOSEPH 64. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th - 16th May 1915. Age 20. Son of John W. and Maria Catherine Poole
of 38 Glazebrook St. Ballarat East Victoria Austra-lia. Panel_201_to_204
POSSINGHAM Captain ALFRED HAROLD 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 31. Son of Alfred and Emma Possingham; husband of Mrs. E.
A. Ross (formerly Possingham) of Meiklefield Dingwall Scotland. Native of
Houghton South Australia. Panel_201_to_204
POZZI Second Lieutenant LEONARD LAMBERT 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 22. Son of Valerio Lambert Pozzi and Edith Mabel Pozzi
(nee Kearn) of 252 Johnston St. Fitzroy Victoria Aus-tralia. Panel_201_to_204
PRETTY Private FRANK 844. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 28. Son of George Fenn Pretty and Sarah Pretty of Gisborne Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
REYNOLDS Private WALTER 818. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Age 35. Son of Edward Kenyon Reynolds and Lucy Ann Reynolds; husband
of Mary Elizabeth Reynolds of 391 Gore St. Fitzroy Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
RIDLEY Private JAMES 507. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th - 12th
May 1915. Age 19. Son of George and Rose Hannah Ridley of 42 Desmond Rd.
Eastbourne Sussex England. Panel_201_to_204
RILEY Private WILLIAM EDWARD 316. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 17. Served as HAYE. Son of William and Clara Riley. Of Whittlesea
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
ROBERTSON Lance Serjeant WILLIAM ORMISTON 658. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Age 20. Son of John Brownlie Robertson and Caroline
Louise Robertson. Of Camperdown Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
ROBINSON Private SAMUEL MORELAND 2292. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 30. Son of George and Jane Robinson; husband of Mary C.
Robinson of Lardner Beech Forest Victoria Aus-tralia. Of Mangalore Victoria.
ROCHESTER Sergeant ALFRED WINDSOR 877. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
ROSA Private OSCAR EURTOL 671. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 21. Son of Am-broise and Elizabeth Rosa of 65 Madeline St. Carlton
Victoria Australia. Of Albury New South Wales. Panel_201_to_204
ROSENBROCK Private REGINALD 827. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 13th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
ROWLAND Private HENRY HERBERT 1131. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. Killed
in action 8th May 1915. Age 26. Son of Jane Rowland of I Pine Avenue Mildura
Victoria Australia and the late John Rowland. Of Homebush Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
SAXTON Private REUBEN OLIVER 1365. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 19. Son of Alfred Thomas and Marion Gladwish Saxton of Gilderoy
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
SCHMIDT Private ALEXANDER 253. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
SEYMOUR Private ERNEST JOHN PIERPOINT 2296. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
SIMPSON Private THOMAS GORDON 995. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 24. Son of Richard and Jessie Simpson 3 Chelsea Rd. Chelsea
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
SLOAN Private JAMES BOWMAN 1783. 21st Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd
September 1915. Panel_201_to_204
SLOAN Private THOMAS BOWMAN 741. 21st Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 2nd
September 1915. Panel_201_to_204
SMITH Corporal ERIC LYNDON 963. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 24. Son of Eustace Lyndon Smith and Florence Smith of Pyramid
Hill Victoria Australia. Of Fernihurst Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
SMITH Private JOHN 1077. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 24. Son of William and Ellen Smith of Dunach Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
SMITH Private MAXWELL GEORGE 249. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 20. Son of George A. Smith of 14 Ida St. North Fitzroy Victoria
Australia and the late Jane Smith. Of Melbourne Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
SMITH Private THOMAS 337. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 28. Son of Eli and Hannah Ward Fromaly Smith of Slad Lane Dursley Glos.
England. Panel_201_to_204
SOMERVILLE Sergeant GEORGE DAVIDSON 528. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 20. Only son of John Farange Somerville and Margaret Davidson
Somerville of 2 Commercial Rd. Footscray Victoria Australia. Native of Gippsland
Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
SPENCER Private CLAUDE 2029. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 21. Son of Wil-liam Henry and Margaret Spencer of 173 Sydney Rd.
Brunswick Victoria Australia. Of Nathalia Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
SPENCER Private STEPHEN 2171. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
STEWART Private DOUGALD 2331. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 24. Son of James C. and Marion Stewart of Bahgallah Rd. Casterton
Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
STOCKDALE Private WILLIAM HALLETT 990. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 28. Son of William Hallett Stockdale and Agnes Stockdale
of Wallan Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
STONELY Corporal SAMUEL HERBERT 1088. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
STRENGE Private ELMORE 1651. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
STRUTT Lance Corporal CHARLES NETTLETON 252. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Age 30. Son of Samuel Shippam Strutt and Mary Ann Strutt.
Native of St. Kilda Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
SULLIVAN Lance Corporal EDWARD AUSTIN 1369. 5th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Age 18. Son of Dennis Sullivan and Georgina Lucy Shaw
his wife of Sheerness Kent England. Panel_201_to_204
SUMNER Private JOHN WILLIAM 552. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
SUTHERLAND Private JOHN 1417. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Panel_201_to_204
SWINTON Private THOMAS TROWBRIDGE 478. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 23. Son of Thomas and Emily Eliza Swinton of 249 Bay St.
Brighton Victoria Australia. Of Melbourne Vic-toria. Panel_201_to_204
TATHAM Private JOHN 1601. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 30. Son of Thomas Smith Tatham and Elizabeth Tatham of 200 Church St.
Richmond Victoria Australia. Of Brunswick Victo-ria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
THOMAS Private CHARLES JOSEPH 868. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 25. Son of James Gee Thomas and Letitia Thomas. Native of
West Melbourne Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
THOMAS Corporal FREDERICK WILLIAM 896. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 23. Son of John W. Thomas and Mary J. Jackson his wife;
husband of Alma Lillian Thomas of 746 Brunswick St. North Fitzroy Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
TOOGOOD Private EDWARD 1435. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 22. Son of the late Henry and Jemima Toogood. Native of Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
TRANTER Private ALBERT ERNEST 2307. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Age 20. Son of Edward Walford Tranter and Mary Ann Tranter of
Derrinal Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
TRAVERS Private BERTRAM 2039. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May
1915. Age 24. Son of George Lawrence Travers and Mary Travers of 44 Abbotsford
St. North Melbourne Victoria Australia. Panel_201_to_204
TREVILLIAN Corporal GEORGE LESLIE 155. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
TURVEY Private GEORGE NICHOLAS 1195. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 47. Son of John and Bridget Turvey. Of Glenorchy Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
VARTY Private JOHN 559. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
Age 25. Son of Joseph and Jean Varty of 3 Windsor St. Footscray Victoria
Australia. Of Allendale Victoria. Panel_201_to_204
VON-STEIGLITZ Private TASMAN BLACKER 1025. 8th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
WADDELL Private PETER 2098. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
WALE Second Lieutenant PHILIP GEORGE 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Son of George Edward and Louisa Jane Wale. Of Benalla Victoria
Australia. Panel_201_to_204
WALKER Private JAMES 1655. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
WALKER Private THOMAS 872. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th May 1915.
WATERS Lance Corporal STANLEY 650. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. 8th
May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
WATTERSTON Lance Serjeant BIRKETT WILLIAM 977. 7th Bn. Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204
WIGGER Private REGINALD CHARLES 646. 6th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Age 25. Son of Charles and Eliza A. Wigger. Native of Melbourne.
WILSON Corporal ALLAN ELWOOD 61. 2nd. Australian Division H.Q.. 2nd September
1915. Age 36. Son of William and Elizabeth Wilson. Of Camerons Westland
New Zealand. Panel_332
WODETZKI Private VICTOR EMANUEL 978. 7th Rn. Australian Infantry A.I.F.
8th May 1915. Panel_201_to_204 |
number of the Plot is indicated by a Roman numeral following
the entry,the Row by a capital letter and the Grave by
a number. Thus I.D.2 indicates Plot 1 Row D Grave 2. Plot
II = Plot 2, Plot III = Plot 3 etc.In the Registers of
Cemeteries that are not divided into Plots the Row is
indicated by a capital letter following the entry and
the Grave by a number. Thus D.12 indicates Row D Grave
Memorials to officers and men known or believed to be
buried in the cemetery are indicated by the letters
"Sp.Mem" following the entry, by a capital
letter shewing the group and by a number shewing the
position in the group. thus "Sp.Mem. B.2"
indicates Special Memorial, Group B, Number 2.
In those cemeteries where there is only one group the
capital letter is omitted.